Que vendre en ce moment ? Suivez les Jaiiowards !

What to sell right now? Follow the Jaiiowards!

How to quickly sell all the items you don't wear anymore in your wardrobe? It's simple, just follow the Jaiioawards.
✨ How to take care and store your leather items ? Reading What to sell right now? Follow the Jaiiowards! 1 minute

You have treasures in your wardrobe that you haven't worn for a while but you don't know where to start sorting ?

Nothing could be simpler! To help you, follow the Jaiiowards: a celebration of the most coveted pieces on our website jaiio.fr, updated each season. 🌟

With this, you are sure to sell in a flash all the pieces lying dormant in your wardrobe.
A little useful reminder: These pieces are the most coveted at the moment but don't hesitate to entrust us with your items for all seasons. We accept all seasons, all year round. 

1. The season's most coveted pieces

piece printemps jaiio

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2. The most sought-after materials and patterns

matieres et imprimes printemps jaiio

matieres et imprimes printemps 2 jaiio

3. The brands you love

If necessary, you will find the list of all accepted brands right here.

So, ready to give a second life to your wardrobe while making money and making as little effort as possible ?

I sell with Jaiio!